Saturday, September 5, 2015

Getting to Know You

Welcome back! I am excited to be back at school and working with my students. The first few weeks of school offer many opportunities to get to know my students. We will participate in many activities that offer students a chance to share information about themselves. Some examples are favorite foods, family members, favorite school subjects and summer vacation experiences.
Another way that I will become familiar with my students is to assess academic and social English language in the areas of listening, speaking, reading and writing so that I can provide appropriate instruction for each student. Classroom teachers and support staff will also be assessing students.
I hope that your children are having a smooth start to their school year. Please talk to them each day about their time at school. It may be more helpful to learn about their school day by saying," Tell me something that made you smile in school today." " Is there anything that made you feel worried at school today?" rather than asking, "How was school?"
Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns that you have. Since I travel among schools, email is the best way to communicate with me: .
I am looking forward to a fun and productive year with my students!

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