Friday, December 4, 2015

First Snow

Greetings! It's already December and though the weather has been mild, it's only a matter of time until the snow begins to fall. This year, many of my students are newly arrived from countries that experience mild winters with no snow. They are very excited to experience snowfall and have the opportunity to go outside to play in the snow.
There are many great books written about snow and winter as  experienced in New England. These books will provide background information to help students and their families enjoy the snow as it blankets our area:                                                                                   
Let it snow!

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Report Card Time!

November is a very busy month at school. The first trimester marking period ends on November 6th. Teachers have been busy assessing students and preparing for report cards and parent conferences. ELL students will receive a progress report that will be sent home with students or mailed to students' homes. Classroom grades are available via IPASS on November 20, 2015 at 4:00 P. M.. If you have difficulty accessing grades online and/ or prefer a paper copy of grades, please contact your child's teacher.
After reviewing your child's report card / progress report you should make note of any questions and/ or concerns that you may have to discuss at your child's parent conference. Teachers will be available to help you understand your child's progress and will be happy to share information and resources with you. Parent conferences offer an opportunity for sharing information about students and how to best meet their needs. I have provided a link from Colorin Colorado that lists several ways that parents/ guardians can provide support for their children:

Happy November!

Saturday, October 3, 2015

Welcome Fall

Welcome Fall! Welcome new and returning students and families! Now that it is October, students should be comfortable with school routines. I hope that you enjoyed visiting your children's classrooms and meeting teachers and other staff. Some parents have asked for resources to support their children. Last year I provided a list of websites that many students found helpful. Since I have welcomed several new students, I am again providing the link to these resources:

Please contact me and/or your child's classroom teacher if you have any questions or concerns.Working as a team, we can help students experience a successful year!

Saturday, September 5, 2015

Getting to Know You

Welcome back! I am excited to be back at school and working with my students. The first few weeks of school offer many opportunities to get to know my students. We will participate in many activities that offer students a chance to share information about themselves. Some examples are favorite foods, family members, favorite school subjects and summer vacation experiences.
Another way that I will become familiar with my students is to assess academic and social English language in the areas of listening, speaking, reading and writing so that I can provide appropriate instruction for each student. Classroom teachers and support staff will also be assessing students.
I hope that your children are having a smooth start to their school year. Please talk to them each day about their time at school. It may be more helpful to learn about their school day by saying," Tell me something that made you smile in school today." " Is there anything that made you feel worried at school today?" rather than asking, "How was school?"
Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns that you have. Since I travel among schools, email is the best way to communicate with me: .
I am looking forward to a fun and productive year with my students!

Saturday, June 6, 2015

It's hard to believe that June has arrived. This month, ACCESS test results will be forwarded to parents and guardians. These results report students' scores in the areas of listening, speaking, reading and writing. Please contact me ( if you have any questions or concerns regarding these results.
During the summer, I hope that my students will take time to read and write each day. Journals, diaries, email, shopping lists and writing post cards are great ways to practice writing. Take advantage of reading programs offered by local libraries, relax under a tree, by the pool or at the ocean with a good book.
Many families will be traveling this summer. May your travels be safe and your summer filled with relaxation and fun. Happy summer!

Monday, May 4, 2015

Books About Moms

Happy May! Such a busy month with lots of activities planned in school and at home. One of the most special days, Mother's Day, is celebrated on May tenth.
There are many thoughtful ways to remember and honor mothers. Kind acts, cards and flowers are gestures moms appreciate. Another great way to celebrate Mother's Day is to read a book about mothers. Below is a link to a list of books that are about mothers and the special place they hold in our hearts. Some of these books are in languages other than English. Whether you borrow these books from the library or purchase them, I hope that you will enjoy sharing them with your families.

Friday, April 3, 2015

Parents/ guardians have many questions about what they should do to help their children acquire another language. Is it okay to speak in their native language? What about reading and writing in their native language? Proficiency in more than one language is an advantage that is enriching and beneficial. Please click on the link below to read about some frequently asked questions that parents/ guardians have regarding second language acquisition:

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Help With Acronyms

As you head into another round of parent conferences, do you wonder about the meanings of several terms used by educators? Many acronyms are used by educators and sometimes it's difficult to know what they mean. For example, ESL stands for  English as a Second Language, ELL refers to English Language Learners and LEP means Limited English Proficient. Be sure to ask teachers what the acronyms stand for if you are unsure of what they mean. The links below may be help you to understand some frequently used acronyms and terms:

I hope you enjoy learning about your children as you meet with their teachers.

Monday, February 2, 2015

Apps for English Language Learners

Another snowy day! What a great opportunity to explore some apps that are both fun and educational! Check out the following to find applications for reading, writing, handwriting, vocabulary, phonics, grammar and much more:

During these snowy days , February vacation or any time these apps are sure to be entertaining and educational.
Mrs. Hayes

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

ACCESS Testing

January begins the testing period for ACCESS testing (January 8th to February 11th). ACCESS testing is required for all students who have been identified as limited English proficient in the SIMS report that is submitted by schools in October to the Massachusetts Department of Education.
Students will be assessed in listening, speaking, reading and writing. The speaking and kindergarten tests are administered individually. Listening and reading sessions are administered in small group settings. Students are not allowed to use dictionaries during ACCESS testing. Results will be available at the end of May.
For more information about ACCESS testing please visit :
Best wishes for a wonderful 2015!